Source code for swyft.lightning.core

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from toolz.dicttoolz import valmap
from typing import (
import numpy as np
import torch
from torch.nn import functional as F

import pytorch_lightning as pl
from pytorch_lightning.callbacks import LearningRateMonitor, ModelCheckpoint
from pytorch_lightning.callbacks.early_stopping import EarlyStopping
from pytorch_lightning.trainer.supporters import CombinedLoader

# from pytorch_lightning.cli import instantiate_class

import yaml

from import *
from swyft.plot.mass import get_empirical_z_score
from swyft.lightning.utils import OptimizerInit, AdamOptimizerInit, SwyftParameterError

import scipy
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter1d, gaussian_filter

# import torchist

# SwyftModule

[docs]class SwyftModule(pl.LightningModule): r"""This is the central Swyft LightningModule for handling the training of logratio estimators. Derived classes are supposed to overwrite the `forward` method in order to implement specific inference tasks. The attribute `optimizer_init` points to the optimizer initializer (default is `AdamOptimizerInit`). .. note:: The forward method takes as arguments the sample batches `A` and `B`, which typically include all sample variables. Joined samples correspond to A=B, whereas marginal samples correspond to samples A != B. Example usage: .. code-block:: python class MyNetwork(swyft.SwyftModule): def __init__(self): self.optimizer_init = AdamOptimizerInit(lr = 1e-4) self.mlp = swyft.LogRatioEstimator_1dim(4, 4) def forward(A, B); x = A['x'] z = A['z'] logratios = self.mlp(x, z) return logratios """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.optimizer_init = AdamOptimizerInit() def configure_optimizers(self): return self.optimizer_init(self.parameters()) def _logratios(self, x, z): out = self(x, z) if isinstance(out, dict): out = {k: v for k, v in out.items() if k[:4] != "aux_"} logratios = [val.logratios.flatten(start_dim=1) for val in out.values()], dim=1 ) elif isinstance(out, list) or isinstance(out, tuple): out = [v for v in out if hasattr(v, "logratios")] logratios = [val.logratios.flatten(start_dim=1) for val in out], dim=1 ) else: logratios = out.logratios.flatten(start_dim=1) return logratios def validation_step(self, batch, batch_idx): loss = self._calc_loss(batch, randomized=False) self.log("val_loss", loss, prog_bar=True, on_step=False, on_epoch=True) return loss def _calc_loss(self, batch, randomized=True): """Calcualte batch-averaged loss summed over ratio estimators. Note: The expected loss for an untrained classifier (with f = 0) is subtracted. The initial loss is hence usually close to zero. """ if isinstance( batch, list ): # multiple dataloaders provided, using second one for contrastive samples A = batch[0] B = batch[1] else: # only one dataloader provided, using same samples for constrative samples A = batch B = valmap(lambda z: torch.roll(z, 1, dims=0), A) # Concatenate positive samples and negative (contrastive) examples x = A z = {} for key in B: z[key] =[A[key], B[key]]) num_pos = len(list(x.values())[0]) # Number of positive examples num_neg = len(list(z.values())[0]) - num_pos # Number of negative examples logratios = self._logratios( x, z ) # Generates concatenated flattened list of all estimated log ratios y = torch.zeros_like(logratios) y[:num_pos, ...] = 1 pos_weight = torch.ones_like(logratios[0]) * num_neg / num_pos loss = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits( logratios, y, reduction="none", pos_weight=pos_weight ) num_ratios = loss.shape[1] loss = loss.sum() / num_neg # Calculates batched-averaged loss return loss - 2 * np.log(2.0) * num_ratios def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx): loss = self._calc_loss(batch) self.log("train_loss", loss, on_step=True, on_epoch=False) return loss def test_step(self, batch, batch_idx): loss = self._calc_loss(batch, randomized=False) self.log("test_loss", loss, on_epoch=True, on_step=False) return loss def predict_step(self, batch, *args, **kwargs): A = batch[0] B = batch[1] return self(A, B)
################# # LogRatioSamples #################
[docs]@dataclass class LogRatioSamples: r"""Dataclass for storing samples of estimated log-ratio values in Swyft. Args: logratios: Estimated log-ratios, :math:`(\text{minibatch}, *\text{logratios_shape})` params: Corresponding parameter valuess, :math:`(\text{minibatch}, *\text{logratios_shape}, *\text{params_shape})` parnames: Array of parameter names, :math:`(*\text{logratios_shape})` metadata: Optional meta-data from inference network etc. """ logratios: torch.Tensor params: torch.Tensor parnames: np.array metadata: dict = field(default_factory=dict) # @property # def ratios(self): # print("WARNING: 'ratios' deprecated") # return self.logratios # @property # def values(self): # print("WARNING: 'values' deprecated") # return self.params
[docs] def __len__(self): """Returns number of stored ratios (minibatch size).""" assert len(self.params) == len(self.logratios), "Inconsistent Ratios" return len(self.params)
# @property # def weights(self): # print("WARNING: weights is deprecated.") # return self._get_weights(normalize = True) # @property # def unnormalized_weights(self): # print("WARNING: unnormalized_weights is deprecated.") # return self._get_weights(normalize = False) # def _get_weights(self, normalize: bool = False): # """Calculate weights based on ratios. # # Args: # normalize: If true, normalize weights to sum to one. If false, return weights = exp(logratios). # """ # logratios = self.logratios # if normalize: # logratio_max = logratios.max(axis=0).values # weights = torch.exp(logratios-logratio_max) # weights_total = weights.sum(axis=0) # weights = weights/weights_total*len(weights) # else: # weights = torch.exp(logratios) # return weights # def sample(self, N, replacement = True): # """Subsample params based on normalized weights. # # Args: # N: Number of samples to generate # replacement: Sample with replacement. Default is true, which corresponds to generating samples from the posterior. # # Returns: # Tensor with samples (n_samples, ..., n_param_dims) # """ # print("WARNING: sample method is deprecated.") # weights = self._get_weights(normalized = True) # if not replacement and N > len(self): # N = len(self) # samples = weights_sample(N, self.params, weights, replacement = replacement) # return samples ######### # Trainer #########
[docs]class SwyftTrainer(pl.Trainer): """Base class: pytorch_lightning.Trainer It provides training functionality for swyft.SwyftModule. The functionality is identical to `pytorch_lightning.Trainer`, see corresponding documentation for more details. Two additional methods are defined: - `infer` for performing parameter inference tasks with a trained network - `test_coverage` for performing coverage tests """
[docs] def infer( self, model, A, B, return_sample_ratios: bool = True, batch_size: int = 1024 ): """Run through model in inference mode. Args: A: Sample, Samples, or dataloader for samples A. B: Sample, Samples, or dataloader for samples B. return_sample_ratios: If true (default), return results as collated collection of `LogRatioSamples` objects. Otherwise, return batches. batch_size: batch_size used for Samples provided. Returns: Concatenated network output """ if isinstance(A, Sample): dl1 = Samples({k: [v] for k, v in A.items()}).get_dataloader(batch_size=1) elif isinstance(A, Samples): dl1 = A.get_dataloader(batch_size=batch_size) else: dl1 = A if isinstance(B, Sample): dl2 = Samples({k: [v] for k, v in B.items()}).get_dataloader(batch_size=1) elif isinstance(B, Samples): dl2 = B.get_dataloader(batch_size=batch_size) else: dl2 = B dl = CombinedLoader([dl1, dl2], mode="max_size_cycle") ratio_batches = self.predict(model, dl) if return_sample_ratios: if isinstance(ratio_batches[0], dict): keys = ratio_batches[0].keys() d = { k: LogRatioSamples([r[k].logratios for r in ratio_batches]),[r[k].params for r in ratio_batches]), ratio_batches[0][k].parnames, ) for k in keys if k[:4] != "aux_" } return d elif isinstance(ratio_batches[0], list) or isinstance( ratio_batches[0], tuple ): d = [ LogRatioSamples([r[i].logratios for r in ratio_batches]),[r[i].params for r in ratio_batches]), ratio_batches[0][i].parnames, ) for i in range(len(ratio_batches[0])) if hasattr( ratio_batches[0][i], "logratios" ) # Should we better check for Ratio class? ] return d else: d = LogRatioSamples([r.logratios for r in ratio_batches]),[r.params for r in ratio_batches]), ratio_batches[0].parnames, ) return d else: return ratio_batches
[docs] def test_coverage(self, model, A, B, batch_size=1024, logratio_noise=True): """Estimate empirical mass. Args: model: network A: truth samples B: prior samples batch_size: batch sized used during network evaluation logratio_noise: Add a small amount of noise to log-ratio estimates, which stabilizes mass estimates for classification tasks. Returns: Dict of CoverageSamples objects. """ print("WARNING: This estimates the mass of highest-likelihood intervals.") repeat = len(B) // batch_size + (len(B) % batch_size > 0) pred0 = self.infer( model, A.get_dataloader(batch_size=32), A.get_dataloader(batch_size=32) ) pred1 = self.infer( model, A.get_dataloader(batch_size=1, repeat=repeat), B.get_dataloader(batch_size=batch_size), ) def get_pms(p0, p1): n0 = len(p0) ratios = p1.logratios.reshape( n0, -1, *p1.logratios.shape[1:] ) # (n_examples, n_samples_per_example, *per_event_ratio_shape) vs = [] ms = [] for i in range(n0): ratio0 = p0.logratios[i] value0 = p0.params[i] m = _calc_mass(ratio0, ratios[i], add_noise=logratio_noise) vs.append(value0) ms.append(m) masses = torch.stack(ms, dim=0) params = torch.stack(vs, dim=0) out = CoverageSamples(masses, params, p0.parnames) return out if isinstance(pred0, tuple): out = tuple([get_pms(pred0[i], pred1[i]) for i in range(len(pred0))]) elif isinstance(pred0, list): out = [get_pms(pred0[i], pred1[i]) for i in range(len(pred0))] elif isinstance(pred0, dict): out = {k: get_pms(pred0[k], pred1[k]) for k in pred0.keys()} else: out = get_pms(pred0, pred1) return out
def _calc_mass(r0, r, add_noise=False): if add_noise: r = r + torch.rand_like(r) * 1e-3 r0 = r0 + torch.rand_like(r0) * 1e-3 p = torch.exp(r - r.max(axis=0).values) p /= p.sum(axis=0) m = r > r0 return (p * m).sum(axis=0) ################# # CoverageSamples #################
[docs]@dataclass class CoverageSamples: r"""Dataclass for storing probability masses samples from coverage tests. Args: prob_masses: Tensor of probability masses in the range [0, 1], :math:`(\text{minibatch}, *\text{logratios_shape})` params: Corresponding parameter valuess, :math:`(\text{minibatch}, *\text{logratios_shape}, *\text{params_shape})` parnames: Array of parameter names, :math:`(*\text{logratios_shape})` """ prob_masses: torch.Tensor params: torch.Tensor parnames: np.array def _get_matching_masses(self, parnames): parnames = [parnames] if isinstance(parnames, str) else parnames for i, pars in enumerate(self.parnames): if set(pars) == set(parnames): return self.prob_masses[:, i] return None
[docs] def estimate_coverage( self, parnames: Union[str, Sequence[str]], z_max: float = 3.5, bins: int = 50 ): """Estimate expected coverage of credible intervals on a grid of credibility values. Args: parnames: Names of parameters z_max: upper limit on the credibility level (default 3.5) bins (int): number of bins used when tabulating z-score Returns: np.array (bins, 4): Array columns correspond to [nominal z, empirical z, low_err empirical z, hi_err empirical z] """ m = self._get_matching_masses(parnames) if m is None: raise SwyftParameterError("Requested parameters not available:", parnames) z0, z1, z2 = get_empirical_z_score(m, z_max, bins, interval_z_score=1.0) z0 = np.tile(z0, (*z1.shape[:-1], 1)) z0 = np.reshape(z0, (*z0.shape, 1)) z1 = z1.reshape(*z1.shape, 1) z = np.concatenate([z0, z1, z2], axis=-1) return z