Source code for swyft.utils.array

from typing import Dict, Hashable, Optional, Union

import numpy as np
import torch

from swyft.types import Array, Device

def dict_to_device(d, device, non_blocking=False):
    return {k:, non_blocking=non_blocking) for k, v in d.items()}

def dict_array_to_tensor(
    d, device="cpu", non_blocking=False, indices=slice(0, None)
) -> Dict[Hashable, torch.Tensor]:
    return {
        k: array_to_tensor(v[indices]).to(device, non_blocking=non_blocking)
        for k, v in d.items()

np_bool_types = [bool]
np_int_types = [np.int8, np.int16, np.int32, np.int64]
np_float_types = [np.float32, np.float64]
np_complex_types = [np.complex64, np.complex128]
torch_bool_types = [torch.bool]
torch_int_types = [torch.int8, torch.int16, torch.int32, torch.int64]
torch_float_types = [torch.float32, torch.float64]
torch_complex_types = [torch.complex64, torch.complex128]

[docs]def array_to_tensor( array: Array, dtype: Optional[torch.dtype] = None, device: Optional[Device] = None ) -> torch.Tensor: """Converts np.ndarray and torch.Tensor to torch.Tensor with dtype and on device. When dtype is None, unsafe casts all float-type arrays to torch.float32 and all int-type arrays to torch.int64 """ if not isinstance(array, (np.ndarray, torch.Tensor)): array = np.asarray(array) input_dtype = array.dtype if isinstance(input_dtype, np.dtype): if dtype is None: if input_dtype in np_float_types: dtype = torch.float32 elif input_dtype in np_int_types: dtype = torch.int64 elif input_dtype in np_bool_types: dtype = torch.bool elif input_dtype in np_complex_types: dtype = torch.complex64 else: raise TypeError( f"{input_dtype} was not a supported numpy int, float, bool, or complex." ) return torch.from_numpy(array).to(dtype=dtype, device=device) elif isinstance(input_dtype, torch.dtype): if dtype is None: if input_dtype in torch_float_types: dtype = torch.float32 elif input_dtype in torch_int_types: dtype = torch.int64 elif input_dtype in torch_bool_types: dtype = torch.bool elif input_dtype in torch_complex_types: dtype = torch.complex64 else: raise TypeError( f"{input_dtype} was not a supported torch int, float, bool, or complex." ) return, device=device) else: raise TypeError( f"{input_dtype} was not recognized as a supported numpy.dtype or torch.dtype." )
def tensor_to_array( tensor: Array, dtype: Optional[np.dtype] = None, copy: bool = True ) -> np.ndarray: if isinstance(tensor, torch.Tensor): out = np.asarray(tensor.detach().cpu().numpy(), dtype=dtype) else: out = np.asarray(tensor, dtype=dtype) if copy: return out.copy() else: return out def tobytes(x: Array) -> Array: if isinstance(x, np.ndarray): return x.tobytes() elif isinstance(x, torch.Tensor): return x.numpy().tobytes() else: raise TypeError(f"{type(x)} does not support tobytes.") def _all_finite(x: Array) -> Array: if isinstance(x, torch.Tensor): return torch.all(torch.isfinite(x)) else: return np.all(np.isfinite(x)) def all_finite(x: Union[dict, torch.Tensor, np.ndarray, list]) -> bool: if isinstance(x, dict): return all(_all_finite(v) for v in x.values()) elif isinstance(x, (torch.Tensor, np.ndarray)): return _all_finite(x) elif isinstance(x, list): return all(_all_finite(v) for v in x) else: raise NotImplementedError("That type is not yet implemented.")