Source code for

import enum
import logging
import os
import shlex
import subprocess
import tempfile
import traceback
from operator import getitem
from typing import Callable, Mapping, Optional, Tuple, Union

import dask
import dask.array as da
import numpy as np
import zarr
from dask.distributed import Client, fire_and_forget

from swyft.prior import Prior, PriorTruncator
from swyft.types import ForwardModelType, ObsShapeType, ParameterNamesType, PathType
from swyft.utils import all_finite

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class SimulationStatus(enum.IntEnum):
    PENDING = 0
    RUNNING = 1
    FINISHED = 2
    FAILED = 3

[docs]class Simulator: """Wrapper class for simulator. Args: model: Model function. parameter_names: List of parameter names, or number of parameters (interpreted as 'z0', 'z1', ...). sim_shapes: Dict describing model function output shapes. sim_dtype: Model output data type. fail_on_non_finite: whether return an invalid code if simulation returns NaN or infinite, default True Examples: >>> def model(v): >>> mu = sum(v) # mu = x + y + z >>> nu = np.array([v[1], 2*v[2]]) # nu = [y, 2*z] >>> return dict(mu=mu, nu=nu) >>> simulator = swyft.Simulator(model, ["x", "y", "z"], sim_shapes=dict(mu=(1,), nu=(2,)) """ def __init__( self, model: ForwardModelType, parameter_names: Union[ParameterNamesType, int], sim_shapes: ObsShapeType, sim_dtype: str = "f8", fail_on_non_finite: bool = True, ) -> None: self.model = model if isinstance(parameter_names, int): parameter_names = ["v%i" % i for i in range(parameter_names)] self.parameter_names = parameter_names self.sim_shapes = sim_shapes self.sim_dtype = sim_dtype self.fail_on_non_finite = fail_on_non_finite def _run( self, v: Union[zarr.Array, np.ndarray], sims: Mapping[str, Union[zarr.indexing.OIndex, np.ndarray]], sim_status: Union[zarr.indexing.OIndex, np.ndarray], indices: np.ndarray, **kwargs ) -> None: """Run the simulator on the input parameters. Args: v: Array-like object with all the input parameters. Should have shape (num. samples, num. parameters). Should have ``.shape``, ``.ndim``, ``.dtype``, and support numpy-style slicing. sims: Dictionary of array-like objects where to store the simulation output. All arrays should have the number of samples as the size of the first dimension. Arrays should support numpy-style setitem orthogonal indexing (e.g. ``array[:, [1, 2, 3]] = 0``). sim_status: Array-like object where to store the simulation status (size should be equal to the number of samples). It should support numpy-style setitem orthogonal indexing (e.g. ``array[:, [1, 2, 3]] = 0``). indices: Indices of the samples that need to be run by the simulator. """ for i in indices: sim, status = _run_model(v[i], self.model, self.fail_on_non_finite) for k in sims.keys(): sims[k][i] = sim.get(k, np.nan) sim_status[i] = status
[docs] @classmethod def from_command( cls, command: str, parameter_names: Union[ParameterNamesType, int], sim_shapes: ObsShapeType, set_input_method: Callable, get_output_method: Callable, shell: bool = False, tmpdir: Optional[PathType] = None, sim_dtype: str = "f8", ): """Setup a simulator from a command line program. Args: command: Command-line program using shell-like syntax. set_input_method: Function to setup the simulator input. It should take one input argument (the array with the input parameters), and return any input to be passed to the program via stdin. If the simulator requires any input files to be present, this function should write these to disk. get_output_method: Function to retrieve results from the simulator output. It should take two input arguments (stdout and stderr of the simulator run) and return a dictionary with the simulator output shaped as described by the ``sim_shapes`` argument. If the simulator writes output to disk, this function should parse the results from the file(s). shell: execute the specified command through the shell. NOTE: the following security considerations apply: tmpdir: Root temporary directory where to run the simulator. Each instance of the simulator will run in a separate sub-folder. It must exist. """ if shell: log.warning( "Your command-line program will run through a shell - check the " "following security considerations: " "" ) command_args = shlex.split(command) if not shell else command def model(v): """Closure to setup an instance of the simulator. Args: v: input parameter array. """ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=tmpdir) as tmpdirname: cwd = os.getcwd() try: os.chdir(tmpdirname) input = set_input_method(v) res = command_args, capture_output=True, input=input, text=True, check=True, shell=shell, ) output = get_output_method(res.stdout, res.stderr) finally: os.chdir(cwd) return output return cls( model=model, parameter_names=parameter_names, sim_shapes=sim_shapes, sim_dtype=sim_dtype, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_model( cls, model: ForwardModelType, prior: Prior, fail_on_non_finite: bool = True ): """Instantiate a Simulator with the correct sim_shapes. Args: model: Simulator model. prior: Model prior. Note: The simulator model is run once in order to infer observable shapes from the output. """ v = PriorTruncator(prior, bound=None).sample(1)[0] sims = model(v) sim_shapes = {k: v.shape for k, v in sims.items()} dtype = [v.dtype.str for v in sims.values()][0] return cls( model=model, parameter_names=len(v), sim_shapes=sim_shapes, sim_dtype=dtype, fail_on_non_finite=fail_on_non_finite, )
[docs]class DaskSimulator(Simulator): """Setup and run the simulator engine, powered by dask.""" client = None def _run( self, v: Union[zarr.Array, np.ndarray], sims: Mapping[str, Union[zarr.indexing.OIndex, np.ndarray]], sim_status: Union[zarr.indexing.OIndex, np.ndarray], indices: np.ndarray, collect_in_memory: bool = True, batch_size: Optional[int] = None, ) -> None: """Run the simulator on the input parameters. Args: collect_in_memory: if True, collect the simulation output in memory; if False, instruct Dask workers to save the output to the corresponding arrays. The latter option is asynchronous, thus this method immediately returns. batch_size: simulations will be submitted in batches of the specified size """ if self.client is None: self.set_dask_cluster() # open parameter array as Dask array chunks = getattr(v, "chunks", "auto") v_dask = da.from_array(v, chunks=chunks) idx = da.from_array(indices, chunks=(batch_size or -1,)) v_dask = v_dask[idx] v_dask = v_dask.persist() # load the parameters in the distributed memory # block-wise run the model function on the parameter array out = da.map_blocks( _run_model_chunk, v_dask, model=self.model, sim_shapes=self.sim_shapes, fail_on_non_finite=self.fail_on_non_finite, drop_axis=1, dtype=object, meta=np.array((), dtype=object), ) # split result dictionary and simulation status array results = out.map_blocks( getitem, 0, meta=np.array((), dtype=object), dtype=object ) status = out.map_blocks(getitem, 1, meta=np.array((), dtype=int), dtype=int) # unpack array of dictionaries to dictionary of arrays result_dict = {} for obs, shape in self.sim_shapes.items(): result_dict[obs] = results.map_blocks( getitem, obs, new_axis=[i + 1 for i in range(len(shape))], chunks=(v_dask.chunks[0], *shape), meta=np.array(()), dtype=float, ) sources = [result_dict[k] for k in self.sim_shapes.keys()] targets = [sims[k] for k in self.sim_shapes.keys()] if collect_in_memory: # submit computation and collect results *sources, status = self.client.compute([*sources, status], sync=True) # update simulation results for source, target in zip(sources, targets): target[indices.tolist()] = source # finally, update the simulation status sim_status[indices.tolist()] = status else: # Avoid Dask graph optimization in store (might cause simulations to be rerun) with dask.config.set({"": False}): sources = sources=sources, targets=targets, regions=(indices.tolist(),), lock=False, compute=False, return_stored=True, ) # submit computation *sources, status = self.client.persist([*sources, status]) # the following dummy array is generated after results are stored. zeros_when_done = [ source.map_blocks( lambda x: np.zeros(x.shape[0], dtype=int), chunks=(source.chunks[0],), drop_axis=[i for i in range(1, source.ndim)], meta=np.array((), dtype=int), dtype=int, ) for source in sources ] status = sum([*zeros_when_done, status]) status = target=sim_status, regions=(indices.tolist(),), lock=False, compute=False, return_stored=True, ) # when the simulation results are stored, we can update the status status = self.client.persist(status) fire_and_forget(status)
[docs] def set_dask_cluster(self, cluster=None) -> None: """Connect to Dask cluster. Args: cluster: Cluster address or Cluster object from dask.distributed (default is LocalCluster). """ self.client = Client(cluster)
def _run_model( v: np.ndarray, model: Callable, fail_on_non_finite: bool ) -> Tuple[Mapping[str, np.ndarray], int]: """Run one instance of the model. Args: v: Array with the model input parameters. model: Simulator model function. fail_on_non_finite: Whether return an invalid code if simulation returns NaN or infinite, default True. Return: Dictionary with the output of the model run, simulation status code. """ sim = {} sim_status = SimulationStatus.FAILED try: sim = model(v) sim_status = _get_sim_status(sim, fail_on_non_finite) except: traceback.print_exc() return sim, sim_status def _run_model_chunk( v: np.ndarray, model: Callable, sim_shapes: ObsShapeType, fail_on_non_finite: bool ) -> Tuple[Mapping[str, np.ndarray], np.ndarray]: """Run the model over a set of input parameters. Args: v: Array with the input parameters. Should have shape (num. samples, num. parameters). model: Simulator model function. sim_shapes: Map of simulator's output names to shapes. fail_on_non_finite: Whether return an invalid code if simulation returns NaN or infinite, default True. Returns: Dictionary with the output of the simulations, array with the simulation status. """ chunk_size = len(v) sims = {obs: np.full((chunk_size, *shp), np.nan) for obs, shp in sim_shapes.items()} sim_status = np.zeros(len(v), dtype=int) for i, z_i in enumerate(v): sim, status = _run_model(z_i, model, fail_on_non_finite) for key, val in sim.items(): sims[key][i] = val sim_status[i] = status return sims, sim_status def _get_sim_status(sims: Mapping[str, np.ndarray], fail_on_non_finite: bool) -> int: """Did the simulation fail?""" assert isinstance(sims, dict), "Simulators must return a dictionary." if any([v is None for v in sims.values()]): return SimulationStatus.FAILED elif fail_on_non_finite and not all_finite(sims): return SimulationStatus.FAILED else: return SimulationStatus.FINISHED